
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DGS Sınav Giriş Belgeleri Yayınlandı

DGS Sınav Giriş Belgeleri Yayınlandı

2012 y?l?  Dikey Ge�i? S?nav?(DGS) s?nav giri? belgeleri �SYM taraf?ndan yay?nlad?.Dikey Ge�i? S?nav?na adaylar?n nerede gireceklerinin  bilgisinin yer ald??? DGS S?nav Giri? Belgeleri 6 Temmuz 2012 saat 16:00dan itibaren TC Kimlik numaralar? ve ?ifre bilgileri ile sitesinden al?nabilecek.
DGS s?nav yerlerinin s?navdan �nce gidip g�r�lmesi adaylar i�in s?nav g�n� b�y�k kolayl?k olacakt?r.
DGS S?nav Giri? Belgeleri posta ile g�nderilmeyecektir.DGS s?nav giri? belgesinin �?kt?s?n? almay? unutmay?n.
??te �SYM taraf?ndan DGS S?nav giri? yerleri ile alakal? duyuru

(6 Temmuz 2012)
2012 Dikey Ge�i? S?nav? (DGS):
S?nava Giri? Belgelerinin Edinilmesi
15 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde yap?lacak olan 2012-DGS�ye ba?vuran adaylar?n, s?navlara girecekleri bina/salonlara atanma i?lemleri tamamlanm??t?r.

Adaylar s?nava girecekleri yer bilgisini g�steren S?nava Giri? Belgelerini, TC Kimlik Numaras? ve ?ifreleri ile 6 Temmuz 2012 g�n� saat 16.00�dan itibaren �SYM�nin internet adresinden edineceklerdir. Belgenin �zerinde aday?n s?nava girece?i merkez, bina, salon bilgileri ile aday?n foto?raf? bulunacakt?r. S?nava Giri? Belgeleri adaylar?n adreslerine ayr?ca g�nderilmeyecektir.

Adaylar internetten edinecekleri bu belgelerinin renkli ya da siyah-beyaz �?kt?lar?n? s?navda yanlar?nda bulundurmak zorundad?r. Ancak belgenin arka y�z�nde herhangi bir yaz?, resim, i?aret vb. bulunmamal?d?r. S?nava Giri? Belgesinin arka y�z�nde herhangi bir yaz?, resim, i?aret vb. bulunan aday?n s?nav? ge�ersiz say?lacakt?r.S?nava Giri? Belgesiyan?nda olmayan adaylar s?nava al?nmayacakt?r. Adaylar?n s?nava girecekleri binalar? s?nav g�n�nden �nce g�rmeleri yararlar?na olacakt?r.

Foto?rafl? ve onayl? �zel kimlik belgesi olarak sadece n�fus c�zdan? veya pasaport kabul edilecektir. N�fus c�zdan?nda so?uk damga bas?l? olmal?, aday?n g�ncel bir foto?raf? ve T.C. Kimlik Numaras? bulunmal?, pasaportun s�resi ge�erli olmal?d?r. �zerinde so?uk damga, g�ncel bir foto?raf veya T.C. Kimlik Numaras? bulunmayan n�fus c�zdanlar? ile ge�erlilik s�resi bitmi? pasaport kabul edilmeyecektir. �zel kimlik belgesi olarak n�fus c�zdan?n? veya pasaportunu s?nav g�n� yan?nda bulundurmayan aday, gerek�esi ne olursa olsun s?nava al?nmayacak; s?nava al?nsa bile s?nav? ge�ersiz say?lacakt?r.
Adaylara ve kamuoyuna duyurulur.

Duyurudan da anla??laca?? �zere DGS S?nav Giri? Belgesinin �?kt?s? renkli de olabilir siyah-beyazda ama �?kt?s? kesinlikle al?nmas? gerekmektedir.
Dikey Ge�i? S?nav?na(DGS) Ehliyetle Girilebilir Mi?
Yine �SYMnin yapt??? a�?klamay? inceledi?imizde DGSye ehliyetle giri? yap?lamayaca?? s�yleyebiliriz.Ayr?ca e?er n�fus c�zdan?n?z?n so?uk damgas?n? bozacak kadar pvc kaplamas? bozulmu?sa kimli?inizi de?i?tirmeniz s?navda sorun ya?aman?z i�in �nemli.N�fus c�zdan? yenileme ve de?i?tirmede istenilen evraklar? �?renmek i�in t?klay?n?z.
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Disable rate limiting in rsyslog v5 Linux RHEL CentOS Ubuntu

Disable rate limiting in rsyslog v5 Linux RHEL CentOS Ubuntu


This article will show you how to disable rsyslog rate-limiting, But You can also use rate-limiting according to your requirement.?


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Difference among dlllist ldrmodules and malfind

Difference among dlllist ldrmodules and malfind

dlllist module

dlllist module list the mapped DLLs for each process. If no "-p" or "-o" parameter is given, the modules will list mapped DLLs for all processes. "dlllist" module show us the executable and any other DLLs loaded by the process.

Problems with dlllist module 

The problem with dlllist module is that most Windows executable maps lots of DLLs, so figuring out which ones are normal and which ones are malicious could be difficult and time-consuming.A bigger problem, however, is that more recently new ways,which are discussed below, of injecting DLLs into other processes have been developed that dont show when you run "dlllist" module.

Limitations of dlllist module

"dlllist" module will no longer see the DLLs which are unlinked from the LDR lists. The PEB points to many interesting data structures,such as three separate doubly-linked lists(LDR lists) of the DLLs that the process has loaded(provided it did so via the standard LoadLibrary call). But, as with the active processes linked list, a process is free to unlink a DLL from any or all of these DLL linked lists. The DLL,however will still reside in the virtual address space of the process, and there may be import address table pointers that will allow the functions in the DLL to be called by the process.

Detecting Unlinked DLLs With ldrmodules

"ldrmodules" compares the PEB list with data in the VAD. "ldrmodules" checks each allocated memory range in a process,using VAD, to see if it contains a mapped file and detects DLLs that are loaded in a process, even if theres no entry for the DLL in the processs PEB.
When a process allocates memory with VirtualAlloc, the memory manager creates an entry in the VAD tree. Along with information such as the starting and ending addresses of the allocated memory block, the VAD contains some nested structures that, if present, can identify which file is mapped into the memory region.)

ldrmodules module

You can use the "ldrmodules" plug-in for volatility to inspect discrepancies between the PEB lists and the VAD. The plug-in shows the base addresses and full paths to all mapped executables in a process. It displays a column for each of the three PEB lists, which contain "True" or "False" based on whether a DLL with the same base address exists in the list.

Limitations of ldrmodules 

There are two main arguments about the method that ldr_modules uses for detection.
  • First, a rootkit can use DKOM and overwrite members of the VAD after unlinking a DLL from the lists in the PEB. Then it will appear as if there is no memory-mapped file.
  • The second argument is  about the method used by ldr_modules is that it is possible to load DLLs into a process without using LoadLIbrary("Reflective DLL Injection"), which does not create a mapped file in the VAD or any entries in the PEB.

malfind module

Limitations of "ldrmodules" module can be overcome by "malfind" plug-in.  It identifies suspicious memory ranges based on both the contents of memory and VAD characterstics, and optionally, a configurable list of signatures that is provided in YARA format.
  • "malfind" dumps the memory ranges marked as executable and that had pool tag of "VadS" because all injected DLLs shows this property and hence it detects a majority of shellcode and DLLs injected into a process by a malicious process.
  • "malfind" views hex dumps or disassemblies of suspicious area of memory for a quick preview of its contents.
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Dianne Robbins Adama High Priest of Telos Using Crystals in the Inner Earth March 2017

Dianne Robbins Adama High Priest of Telos Using Crystals in the Inner Earth March 2017

Using Crystals in the Inner Earth

Our Light comes from Crystals, coupled with electromagnetism that generates all the power we need to meet our needs.

Our Chariots

In the underground cities, we have chariots � so to speak � that carry us through the air from one location to another. Everything operates through a combination of Crystals and electromagnetic energy. We have no fossil fuels, hence no air or land pollution. What we don�t use we de-materialize instead of discarding. This way our land remains free and not cluttered as on the surface.
M�s informaci�n �
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Diablo III The Road So Far

Diablo III The Road So Far

Blizzard has posted an interesting article summarizing the changes and improvements that Diablo III went through in the past year.

Blizzard Tracker: May 18, 2013

Diablo III: The Road So Far
One year ago this week, we launched Diablo III in over 10 languages and 30 countries around the world. Since then, weve made significant improvements to the game, shipping upwards of 15 patches and implementing numerous hotfixes to make your battle against the forces of the Burning Hells that much more epic. 
In celebration of Diablo IIIs anniversary, we wanted to take a look at the road so far -- recapping some of the major changes made to the game since release and providing players quick access to all the latest updates. 
(If you havent played in a while or are new to the realm of Sanctuary, definitely stay a while and listen.)


When a hero reaches level 60, experience earned from quests, monsters, and massacre bonuses will begin to count toward Paragon levels. There are 100 Paragon levels in total, and each level will reward players with a permanent bonus to Gold Find and Magic Find, as well as core stat increases (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality). For every 10 Paragon levels, players will also earn a new hero portrait border which will display in the in-game party frame. This border will not only become more impressive as you level up, it will also display your Paragon level in any place where your normal hero level is shown.
For more information on Paragon levels, click here or check out the game guide.


The Infernal Machine is a device that will allow level 60 players to battle "uber" versions of some of Sanctuary�s most nefarious bosses. While the rewards for defeating these bosses will be great, some assembly is required. Only the most powerful Nephalem can unlock the secrets to building the Infernal Machine,  but once forged the device can be used to open portals to special encounters featuring not one, but two bosses which have been augmented from their original versions, both in terms of difficulty and appearance. Defeating each boss pair will provide players with extra items and gold, as well as a chance to find components for a new Legendary: the Hellfire Ring!
Nekarat_the_Keywarden__105_LH_038%20(1)_v2.jpg Infernal%20Machine%20(2)_v2.jpg
For more information about the Infernal Machine event, click here or check out the game guide.


In patch 1.0.4, we made significant changes to Legendary items to make them more powerful, more memorable, and ultimately more fun to use. Through the addition of spell procs, many Legendary items now have a chance to activate rare and unique abilities, such as summoning an angel to fight with you, conjuring an icy projectile, or igniting the very ground you walk on. Legendary items are also far and away more powerful, possessing higher damage and affix values than their predecessors. In addition, many Legendary items have had visual effects added to their original models, giving them a distinct and detailed flair. 
For more information about these improvements, click here.


For those who wish to test their mettle against fellow Nephalem, head on over to the Scorched Chapel! This zone can be accessed by speaking with Nek the Brawler in any of the four Act hubs, and supports 2 to 4 players in a Free-For-All format.
For more information about Brawling, click here or check out the game guide.


Similar to the "Players X" command in Diablo II, Monster Power is a system designed to give players more control over how challenging enemies are in each difficulty. With this system, players can choose to increase the health and damage of monsters according to different "power levels" and in return theyll receive scaling bonuses to experience as well as boosts to Magic Find and Gold Find which will stack above the 300% cap. The option to increase Monster Power is available to all players starting at level 1 in the Quest Selection window, and can be adjusted separately for Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno difficulties.
For more information about Monster Power, click here or check out the game guide. 


In patch 1.0.8, we made several improvements to the multiplayer experience in Diablo III, including a special bonus for multiplayer games that grants +10%  Magic Find, Gold Find, and Experience for each additional player in the party, combat alerts for whenever a player is engaged with an Elite monster or treasure goblin, multi-user conversations (a new chat option that allows players to chat privately with up to 98 of their friends), and matchmaking tags for Public Games. 
These changes focused on buffing existing social features, making it easier for players to find one another online, and providing bonuses when playing in our cooperative mode. 
For more information about these improvements, click here. 


More demons, more fun! As of patch 1.0.8,  players in Inferno difficulty at Monster Power 1 and higher will find an increased number of enemies across Acts I, II, and IV. By adjusting density in these areas, all four Acts should now be more comparable in terms of difficulty vs. reward, giving players more options for farming (and more monsters on which to enact their revenge). 
For more information, click here. 


But thats not all! Be sure to check out our official patch notes for updates to Diablo III in all their gory details.
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Disable Password Protect Single User Mode RHEL CentOS 5 x 6 x

Disable Password Protect Single User Mode RHEL CentOS 5 x 6 x

Hello All,
If you have not protected Single User Mode with Password then it is big risk for your Linux Server, So protecting Single User Mode with Password is very important when it comes to security,
Today in this article i will show you how you can protect Single User Mode with Password on RHEL / CentOS 5.x and RHEL / CentOS 6.x.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

DHCP on Packet tracer through Server

DHCP on Packet tracer through Server

We are going to apply DHCP on server and PCs will be assigned IP addresses through DHCP.
Open the server and go to the Desktop tab, click IP Configuration and enter the IP address.
Now, go to the Config tab.
And go to the DHCP
i. Enter IP for default Gateway.
ii. Start IP address
iii.. Maximum number of Users.
iv. Click Save.
Now, click on any PC that is attached to the server, go to IP configuration and select DHCP. You will see that DHCP will successfully assign IP address to the PC
Now, if we go back to server and assign DNS Server address and then go to any PC and select DHCP.
It will also assign DNS to the PC as well.   
We can also open the website of the server through any PC by going to the Web Browser option and entering the IP address of the server.
And we can ping the server by going to the PC�s command prompt and entering server�s IP address.

Technorati Tags: packet tracer,packet tracer tutorial,dhcp on pt,dhcp on packet Tracer,dhcp through server,dynamic host configuration protocol on packet Tracer,dns dhcp on packet tracer,networking tutorial,pt and networking
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Dishonored 2 PC Game Highly Compressed Free Download

Dishonored 2 PC Game Highly Compressed Free Download

Call of Duty 
Modern Warfare

Game ini dapat dimainkan di PS 3, XBOX 360, dan Microsoft Windows. Game yang dikembangkan oleh Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, dan Raven Software ini telah dibuat lebih baik daripada seri-seri sebelumnya. Dimana Modern Warfare 3 akan menampilkan Survival mode. Mode baru yang bernama Survival akan menampilkan dua pemain bertempur sedangkan semakin lama musuh semakin sulit dilawan. Game ini tidak seperti game Battlefield, di mana musuh-musuh hanya menetap di lokasi markasnya dan tidak bergerak mendekati player. Pemain juga bisa mendapatkan uang setelah melakukan beberapa headshot berturut-turut, membunuh musuh hanya dengan pisau, memiliki akurasi tinggi dan mendapat sedikit luka tembak.


Tanggal 17 Agustus 2016, beberapa jam setelah pembunuhan Letnan Jendral Shepherd. Price dan Nikolai mengevakuasi Soap yang sekarat ke sebuah markas Loyalis Rusia yang terletak di Himachal Pradesh, India. Saat Soap menerima pengobatan dari dokter, sebuah grup besar dibawah komando Makarov, menyerang rumah tersebut dan mencoba membunuh trio itu. Seorang prajurit bernama Yuri, membantu Price dalam memberi pengobatan pada Soap, mengamankan jalan keluar yang aman ke tempat penjemputan guna melarikan diri dari tempat tersebut (Prologue dan Persona Non Grata, hari yang sama). Penyerbuan Rusia ke Amerika berlanjut, berpuncak pada pertempuran di bawah kota New York (Black Tuesday dan Hunter Killer). Tim Metal yang beranggotakan Grinch, Truck, dan Frost dibawah komando Sandman diturunkan di Kota New York untuk membantu menghalau serangan Rusia di sepanjang jalanan kota New York. Tim Metal berhasil menghancurkan perangkat penyadap yang dipasang di atap gedung New York dan melarikan diri memakai helikopter Blackhawk dan nantinya membantu U.S. Navy Seal memasuki Oscar II untuk memakai senjatanya melawan Angkatan Laut Rusia. Sebagai hasil dari aksi Tim Metal, Russia menarik diri dari Pantai Timur dan perkiraannya, seluruh Amerika secara keseluruhan.

Saat kondisi Soap sudah lebih baik dari luka sebelumnya, Yuri memberi Price informasi tentang pedagang senjata yang melibatkan Makarov di Sierra Leone (Misi Back on the Grid, 5 Oktober). Anggota Task Force 141 - sekarang hanya ada Price, Soap dan Yuri - pergi menuju salah satu gudang penyimpanan dan hanya mendapat isi gudang sudah kosong. Mereka bertiga hendak berangkat ke gereja yang berada di tengah kota, namun terlambat dalam mengambil kargo. Datang melalui surat muatan kapal, Price mempelajari ada tiga paket yang berisi senjata kimia yang didistribusikan di seluruh Eropa, yang dimaksudkan untuk menyerang Paris, Berlin, London dan kota-kota besar lainnya.
Sementara, Pasukan Inggris SAS yang dipimpin oleh Sersan Wallcroft diturunkan untuk mencegah pemakaian salah satu muatan kimia di London (Mind The Gap dan Davis Family Vacation, 6 Oktober). Mereka mengamankan pelabuhan dan mengejar teroris melewati sistem kereta api metro bawah tanah, Griffen meninggal dalam pengejaran tersebut. Tim SAS berhasil menghentikan truk yang diduga membawa senjata kimia dan hanya menemukan itu adalah umpan. Truk yang sebenarnya meledak di 4 tempat lain di London, salah satu truk menewaskan Davis dan keluarganya. Lusinan serangan kimia telah berhasil dilakukan di sejumlah kota besar Eropa . Tim Delta Force diturunkan untuk menolong Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat (Goalpost, hari yang sama), dibantu oleh tank M1 Abrams di area setelah militer Rusia meluncurkan serangan darat ke Hamburg dan beberapa ibukota negara-negara Eropa secara langsung mengikuti serangan kimia.
Price diam-diam menginformasikan mantan atasannya, Kapten MacMillan (kini Mayjen MacMillan), dalam penemuannya dan meminta bantuan atas pertolongannya. Yang kini memandu mereka ke salah satu tempat di Somalia. Anggota Task Force 141 dan pasukan Nikolai menyerang Bosaso, Somalia, dimana mereka mempelajari dari Waraabe, penguasa setempat bahwa dia membuat transaksi langsung dengan pembuat bom bernama Volk di Paris (Return to Sender, 8 Oktober). Mendapat informasi yang didapat dari Price, Tim Delta Force bergabung dengan GIGN Perancis untuk menangkap Volk. Tim Delta Force sukses dalam operasinya, meskipun akibatnya adalah kehancuran Menara Eiffel (Bag and Drag dan Iron Lady, 9 Oktober). Volk memberikan informasi tentang pertemuan yang diadakan Makarov di Praha, Ceko.

Yuri selamat tapi Soap terluka parah, mereka bertiga segera berlindung di sebuah rumah pemberontak terdekat, tapi nyawa Soap tidak tertolong. Saat Soap akan mati, dia memberi tahu Price tentang hubungan Makarov dan Yuri. Lalu, Soap pun tewas dengan luka parah. Mendengar hal tersebut, Price memukul Yuri jatuh ke lantai dasar tangga dan mengancam akan membunuh dia. Dengan mengingat masa lalu, Yuri menjelaskan peran dirinya dengan Ultranasionalis Rusia, Yuri hadir pada saat Price mencoba membunuh Zakhaev, Yuri hadir di samping Makarov pada saat ledakan nuklir di Timur Tengah. Ia juga ada di Bandara Internasional Zakhaev sebelum pembantaian massal dilakukan. Yuri bermaksud mencegah mereka, namun ditangkap oleh Lev dan Kiril sebelum itu terjadi, Makarov memutus hubungannya dengan Yuri, menembaknya dan meninggalkannya untuk mati. Tetapi Yuri masih bisa berusaha untuk mencegah pembantaian massal sebelum pingsan kehabisan darah.

 Pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2016, Operasi Penyelamatan Gabungan - yang terdiri dari Task Force 141 dan Tim Metal (dengan McCoy, tetapi tanpa Frost) - berniat menyelamatkan Presiden Vorshevsky dan anaknya, Alena Vorshevsky yang disandera di sebuah tambang berlian di Siberia (Down the Rabbit Hole, 14 Oktober). Tim Delta Force dan Task Force 141 berhasil menyelamatkan mereka berdua, namun Sandman dan anggota tim Metal lainnya (McCoy, Truck dan Grinch) terbunuh karena tambang runtuh saat mereka menghadang musuh. Operasi penyelamatan membawa ke akhir konflik antara Amerika Serikat dan Rusia dengan perdamaian di Washington DC.

Dengan berakhirnya perang, Price dan Yuri melacak Makarov ke Hotel Oasis (yang mirip dengan Hotel Burj Al Arab di Dubai) dan menyerangnya pada tanggal 21 Januari 2017 (Dust to Dust). Mereka memakai baju baja Juggernaut dan sebenarnya tak terhentikan sampai mereka diserang oleh helikopter di dalam lift. Baju Baja mereka terkena api dan terpaksa mencopotnya. Mereka berhasil melihat Makarov tetapi terlalu banyak musuh yang menghadang. Lalu datanglah helikopter yang menembaki bangunan itu dengan roket dan hampir menghancurkan ruangan itu yang membuat Price nyaris jatuh dari gedung. Setelah memanjat, dia melihat Yuri tertusuk tongkat besi dan menyuruh Price untuk melanjutkannya sendirian. Makarov mencoba melarikan diri dengan helikopter namun Price berhasil mencapai helikopter. Ia segera menjatuhkan pilot, sang kopilot berusaha menembak Price dengan pistol USP-45 menembak kontrol helikopter karena Price menepis tangannya dan membunuhnya, Price berusaha mengendalikan helikopter tersebut, namun helikopter jatuh.
Ketika Price sekarat, Makarov bermaksud mengeksekusi mati Price, tetapi Makarov ditembak oleh Yuri. Ketika Makarov membunuh Yuri, Price mendapatkan cukup waktu untuk membunuh Makarov dengan cara memukulinya beberapa kali dan mengikat leher Makarov dan mengaitkannya dengan tali besi dan memecahkan kaca hotel dibawahnya untuk menggantung Makarov. Price jatuh ke atrium dan merokok dalam kemenangaknnya sementara melihat mayat Makarov yang tergantung. Game berakhir dengan kredit dan foto Operation Kingfish dengan (dari kiri ke kanan) Soap, Price, Sandman dan Ghost bertanda 10/8/13 (8 Oktober 2013). Kampanye berakhir dan beralih ke mode Spec Ops (Special Operations).

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Discovering the Fun of the Nintendo 3DS as an Avid PS Vita Fan

Discovering the Fun of the Nintendo 3DS as an Avid PS Vita Fan

PS Vita has been my favourite portable console for awhile. Ive had some of my best gaming experiences on it, such as Persona 4 Golden bringing me hardcore back into gaming and JRPGs, playing Final Fantasy X HD as my first game experience in all Japanese, going deeper into the Final Fantasy series with Final Fantasy IX and getting heavily sucked into so many stories that had as much depth as that ones I play on home consoles. Because I was having so much fun on my Vita, I initially had a very low level of interest in the 3DS for a long time. The only thing I was missing without a 3DS was the childhood nostalgia of Pokemon games that I never truly felt like I was missing out because I still had a Gameboy Advance. What finally got me properly interested in the 3DS was when Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance came out, which I was initially annoyed about as it was the first Kingdom Hearts game I couldnt play on Playstation. As much as it annoyed me, when it happened again with Persona Q I felt like a needed the console to continue these series I loved.

When I finally got my 3DS, I assumed for the most part I�d only play Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts and Persona. I didn�t think of the 3DS as a JRPG machine as that was how I thought of my Vita, but after doing some research into the systems library I quickly discovered there was plenty for a JRPG player like myself to enjoy. I first started picking up random Japanese DS JRPGs such as Pokemon Diamond to help my Japanese studies, but it was when I started playing Fire Emblem Awakening that I realised that while the 3DS may not have the same amount of JRPGs as the PS Vita, they certainly had some quality ones.

One of the things that make me love JRPGs so much is there silliness and for some reason it never crossed my mind that a brand like Nintendo would naturally put fun games like this into its 3DS library. Even while playing Fire Emblem Awakening, I noticed this silliness during the Support system and it reminded me why I was jealous of my friends who owned Nintendo 64s when I was younger. Whether in the form of chibi characters like in Persona Q or the witty lines in Fire Emblem Awakening, the games I�ve played so far on the Nintendo 3DS have featured great gameplay while not taking itself too seriously.

As much as the 3DS features a lot of fun and humour-filled games like Yo-Kai Watch and Persona Q, it does also feature serious games such as Shin Megami Tensei IV. The same could be said about PS Vita, with it featuring many fun and humourous JRPGs such as Hyperdimension Neptunia but also featuring darker ones like Lost Dimension. As a JRPG fan, having both the 3DS and PS Vita means I have access to more portable JRPGs than I can get through in my lifetime and with plenty of fun options on both systems, I definitely feel pretty spoiled (and a little overwhelmed).

While I�m taking a break from my usual JRPG time on PS Vita to play the Japanese visual novel cross third-person shooter Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls, I can say I love both systems and feel really lucky to have both. While new and upcoming PS Vita games such as Caligula and World of Final Fantasy have me more excited than Pokemon Sun and Moon on Nintendo 3DS, the 3DS�s popular and lighthearted franchises definitely have their place in the gaming world and I�m glad to welcome them into mine. With a lot of new releases focusing on home-console games, I hope the PS Vita and 3DS both stay around for a long time as great handheld JRPG machines.

You can pick up Fire Emblem Awakening, Persona Q and plenty more portable games for 3DS and Vita at!


Whats your favourite 3DS JRPG? Are you Team 3DS or Vita?
Leave a comment below, send me a tweet at @JRPGJungle, hit me up Facebook or Instagram and lets talk!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Make sure to follow the blog here, follow @JRPGJungle on Twitter and Instagram and like JRPG Jungle on Facebook for updates on content and random musings on JRPG news and games. Youre awesome! <3
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