
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Disable Enable Passwordless Login all Ubuntus

Disable Enable Passwordless Login all Ubuntus

Aside from the common, and way less detrimental, option to auto-login to your desktop, you may easily be tempted to think that logging in without password query is a good idea - well, it is not, as you may have learned already. It's only useful under very narrow, unusual conditions, otherwise it will either not let you change the desktop session option anymore, or lock you out of your desktop completely. This is how to re-enable the password query on login, or if all conditions are actually met, how to disable it.

Re-enable Password Query

For the above-mentioned reasons, passwordless login is not enabled by default. But you may have either chosen that on installation, or enabled it afterwards, the latter either via GUI, if an option is available there, or via command line. Eventually, you may find yourself unable to disable it again, either because there is no option available in the GUI, or because you cannot log in to your desktop anymore in the first place. So, to disable the passwordless login from the command line, either in a Terminal or at the CLI/tty, just run this command:

sudo gpasswd -d <USERNAME> nopasswdlogin

Notes: Technically, that removes the concerning user from the group "nopasswdlogin". Replace <USERNAME> with the respective actual username, obviously.

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