
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Destiny Day 1 5 Impressions

Destiny Day 1 5 Impressions


So, Destiny is out. I picked up my copy and got a fair bit of time in on the first day and a little more this afternoon. Not sure if I�ll be doing a full review, but I figured I�d throw some impressions up in no particular order�


>Great graphics (duh) tight controls, and getting your own speederbike is pretty rad.


>Double-jumping is always awesome.


>As a story-centric player, Im craving a lot more than what Destiny offers. I dont need 15,000 books of lore or a cutscene every three minutes, but I�m just not getting any good mental hooks for me here� For example, your character is revived from the dead after a long, long time, so� Whats up with that? Nobody even blinks at it � including your own character!

And seriously, Light and Darkness? Give me a break, it couldn�t possibly be any more clich�.

There seem to be plenty of ideas here, but Bungie just does not deliver on any of them. In another instance, it seems like there are PVP factions with in-game leaders � a perfect time to introduce a salty character or two, but they�re just flat questgiver types.

It�s almost like Bungie are intentionally keeping everything as bland, broad and inoffensive as possible in order to grab as many players as possible, but it has the opposite effect for me. I want some memorable faces, I want some crazy dialogue.. some personality!

(Side note: the in-game lore is that actually exists is apparently only readable on Bungies website? WTF?)


Need to get to sleep? Im here to help.
>I really, really dont like Peter Dinklage�s voice here. Even though he�s supposed to be a robot of sorts, he sounds so totally flat and uninteresting. I dont feel any attachment to him at all, and I wish I could customize the voice into something peppier. He�s a major drag.


>It seems like a lot of people are going Warlock, but I went Titan thinking that it might be a little easier for solo play, I�ve been happy with it so far. Punching enemies feels massively satisfying, and it wasnt long before I got some health and stamina increases. Unfortunately, it seems like the devs are expecting me to be using different kinds of weapons that I am � the buffs installed in some of my fancier armor are for gun types I never use.  Hopefully that will change later.


>Although I occasionally come across groups of people in the "farming" zones, I�ve been surprisingly alone during most of the story missions. Some of the story missions can be quite a challenge without backup (especially in the no-respawn darkness zones) and I expected a lot more people coming by, but it hasn�t happened. Maybe I�ve just been unlucky, but the game been feeling very empty when not grouped up in a fireteam of friends.


>The farming missions are boring. All you do is basically kill people, pick up X things, or make your way to a certain location and scan something. I quickly abandoned them in favor of the story missions, but those haven�t exactly lit my world on fire, either.

Shooting stuff is fun and Destiny feels great in that sense � the moment-to-moment gunplay is fab for sure. That said, I�m not sure how long pure shooting is going to carry me if the story doesn�t pick up. The armor and weapon drops haven�t exactly been awe-inspiring, either� A lot of standard weapon types and incremental upgrades, but nothing really wild or impressive yet.


As someone who played and completed the campaign inDefiance, I�ve already seen a game that does what Destiny is trying to do. My full review is here, and it�s actually free-to-play on every platform last time I checked � PS3/360/PC.

Defiance on 360
Of course, Bungie has technical prowess that Defiance�s devs could only dream of� No question there. 

On the other hand, Defiance�s world was always humming, it had plenty of interesting modes and varied quests, exploring the open world offered its own interesting rewards and there was enough story to keep me going until the end of its beefy campaign.

With a $500M investment behind it, I�m sure that Destiny is going to keep growing and evolving (and hey, I�m not even done with the campaign yet, so this isnt a final judgment) but my first impressions are of a slick presentation on top of an empty core, and I admit Im wondering what lies in store for its future...


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