
Friday, May 19, 2017

Destiny 2 Will Still Have Playstation Exclusive Content

Destiny 2 Will Still Have Playstation Exclusive Content

Destiny 2 will continue its partnership with PlayStation to deliver exclusive content to the PS4. That�s according to the version of the new �Last Call� teaser trailer that was uploaded to YouTube by PlayStation, in which a final screen shows that PS4 users will have timed exclusive Destiny 2 content that will last for at least a year until Fall 2018.

Sony will likely share more information about what the exclusives coming to the PS4 will be in the coming months, assumedly at its E3 conference (where Destiny has traditionally been shown), with the trailer�s fine print stating: �More details to come this summer.�

While many fans have grown averse to idea of console exclusives, the partnership between Bungie and PlayStation is nothing new. In fact, Destiny has always offered exclusive content to Sony consoles since the launch of vanilla Destiny. Some of that content has been relatively minor, while at other times, that content has included additional PvP maps and some of the best exotic weapons in the game.

This news also adds another layer onto the rumor that Destiny 2 will be coming to PC, which if it does, looks to join the Xbox One in not having first access to all the available content. Also, while it says that it is a timed exclusive, there is no guarantee that the exclusive content will even come to other platforms.

Currently, there is a handful of exclusive content in Destiny on PS4 that has never made its way to Xbox One, such as The Jade Rabbit exotic scout rifle. And it looks like Destiny fans on Xbox may never get it. Today�s Age of Triumph live event is the last piece of content that Destiny will receive, and it did not include adding those exclusives to Xbox, which is likely the last chance to do so.

The �Last Call� trailer is a teaser for a full reveal trailer, which is set to debut on Thursday, March 30 at 10 a.m. Pacific.

Destiny 2 is in production, set for release in 2017.

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