
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dethroned! for Mac

Dethroned! for Mac

Dethroned! is a free-to-play real time strategy (RTS) tower defense game developed by Treehouse Ltd. The game has a mixture of RTS and MOBA elements.

A strat �em up multiplayer game with celestial fairytale combat!

Dethroned! is an action RTS where you command a hero, gather a scruffy band of soldiers, construct defences and attack your opponent with unstoppable force! Choose a side, select a hero and head into the battle!"
Features include: Online multiplayer fights, single player mode, fierce player vs player stand-offs and more.

System Requirements

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 or later
Intel processor
OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 512MB RAM (ATI Radeon X1600 or nVidia equivalent)
Broadband Internet connection
300 MB hard disk space

Free download at
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Diy outdoor shed plans

Diy outdoor shed plans

Storage Shed Plans Free

Storage Shed Plans Free

Garden Shed Plans

Garden Shed Plans

Wood Storage Shed Plans

Wood Storage Shed Plans

10X12 Shed Plans

10X12 Shed Plans

A Frame Shed Plans

A Frame Shed Plans

Diy outdoor shed plans

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Diablo command chat friend

Diablo command chat friend - Welcome to the Web Site!
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Deus Ex New Vision Graphics Textures Modification Pack Released

Deus Ex New Vision Graphics Textures Modification Pack Released

I guess I started playing Deus Ex at the right time---after four years of development Deus Ex: New Vision, a graphics mod pack that overhauls the first-person shooters textures, has been released.

Znokiss---the gamer responsible for gathering all the graphical enhancement mods for Deus Ex---has even updated his "Ultimage Tutorial" for the Steam version of the PC game. The downloads he has supplied includes Deus Ex: New Vision. The tutorials also packages everything so as to be user-friendly; all one has to do is to follow the step-by-step instructions that Znokiss has supplied.

The graphical overhaul the tutorial brings to the game is nothing short of amazing.

The link to the tutorial---and my own tweaks to the FPS-RPG hybrid---after the jump.

>>>This link leads to the Deus Ex Graphics (Textures) Modification Pack tutorial tutorial. It also contains tweaks that Ive added.
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Dev Indie Ancam Blacklist Sebuah Website Gaming Karena Tak Mau Review Jelek

Dev Indie Ancam Blacklist Sebuah Website Gaming Karena Tak Mau Review Jelek

Review game dari media jurnalis gaming memang selalu ada saja kontroversinya. Terkadang orang berpikir bahwa penulis review disogok oleh publisher game biar game tersebut diberikan rating besar. Tapi tak jarang juga penulis malah diancam oleh developer apabila mereka memberika review negatif, inilah masalah yang dihadapi oleh COGconnected kemarin.

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Developer dari game sci-fi shooter yaitu Dead Effect 2BadFly Interactive, ketahuan telah mengancam akan blacklist sebuah website gaming dari Kanada apabila website memberikan review negatif kepada game Dead Effect 2 yang baru saja dirilis ke console hari ini.
Mereka mengirimkan email kepada website tersebut untuk memberikan review code kepada mereka agar dapat dibuat review atau preview soal game tersebut. Hal ini sudah biasa terjadi di dunia jurnalis gaming, khususnya dari developer-developer indie seperti BadFly. Akan tetapi mereka tak menyangka bahwa di email yang sama tersebut juga berisi sedikit ancaman dari pihak developer. Berikut adalah isi email dari BadFly Interactive:
�Izinkan saya mengingatkan Anda satu hal: Ini adalah sebuah game indie, yang sayangnya, sering dibanding-bandingkan dengan game bermodal besar, dan hal tersebut benar-benar menjadi sebuah masalah besar dan sering merusak rating akhir nanti. Tolong dipertimbangkan kembali bahwa game kami ini hanya dibuat oleh sebuah tim developer kecil (berisi 11 orang) yang hanya mencoba untuk membuat game shooter yang bagus, hanya itu saja kemauan kami. Sayangnya banyak jurnalis yang terlalu berharap banyak, dan hal tersebut amat menyakiti perasaan kami.�
Sampai disini mungkin masih terlihat biasa saja dan malah mungkin kita merasa simpati sedikit dengan isi pesan dari BadFly Interactive ini. Tetapi kalimat terakhir dari pesan ini yang membuat COGconnected langsung memutar perasaan mereka 180 derajat .
�Dan juga, kami sedang kerjakan beberapa game lain yang tentunya sangat menarik, jika review atau preview yang Anda tulis tentang Dead Effect 2 sangatlah negatif, Anda tidak akan menerima apapun lagi dari kami untuk kedepannya.�
Artikel yang dibuat COGconnected ini langsung menarik perhatian banyak pembaca di internet dan dalam hitungan menit langsung dipenuhi oleh komentar negatif kepada developer. Bahkan keberadaan artikel ini langsung membuat halaman Steam game ini dihiasi beberapa review negatif sebagai sindiran ke developer.
Tak perlu waktu lama setelah artikel ini disebarkan di internet, pihak BadFly langsung menghubungi kembali penulis artikel tersebut via email. Pada email tersebut sang developer mengakui telah berbuat kesalahan besar dan Mereka juga menjelaskan bahwa mereka hanya peduli akan game yang ciptakan, dan maksud dari pesan mereka sebelumnya adalah meminta siapapun yang akan membuat review game tersebut nanti untuk memandang sebelah mata game tersebut karena kualitas yang tak sebagus game AAA.
Mereka juga telah meminta maaf lewat Twitter, namun tentu saja internet takkan lupa kesalahan mereka begitu saja, dan mungkin akan butuh waktu lama untuk mereka untuk membersihkan kembali citra mereka di hadapan gamer.
Source: Eurogamer
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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Despues de Tanto Tiempo

Despues de Tanto Tiempo

Despues de un tiempo volvi con todo xD. Preparense para muchas noticias.
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Diablo II Getting The Scrollwheel To Work In The Game FIX

Diablo II Getting The Scrollwheel To Work In The Game FIX

I was having a lot of fun playing in the 2014 Ladder Season in Diablo2, but ran across a problem where the scroll wheel of the mouse wasnt working in the game. For the skills/spells in D2, I prefer to assign the right side (right mouse button) skills to Function Keys, and then use the scrollwheel to quickly change/choose the skill I want to use at the time. At first, this didnt work in the game at all (it was like it wasnt detecting my mouses wheel), but I quickly figured out this easy fix to get it working in the game. Here is a short tutorial for it, with screenshots for each step:

Simply right-click the Shortcut for DiabloII on the desktop/background and choose Properties. 
(Click to see Full Size)

Then, just place checkmarks in the Checkboxes for (1) "Run this program in compatibility mode" under the Compatibility Mode category, and (2) "Run this program as an administrator" under the Privilege Level area, and click OK (there is no need to adjust what compatibility mode to use (what Service Pack version, etc.)).
(Click to see Full Size)

Then, in the game, hit Escape and choose to go into the Options Menu.
(Click to see Full Size)

In the Options area, go into the Configure Controls section.
(Click to see Full Size)

You should now find you can scroll this list up and down, if the game has properly detected your mouse/wheel. Go down to the "Select Previous/Next Skill" functions and you can now assign Mouse Wheel Up and Mouse Wheel Down to whichever direction you prefer to select your skills (click on one of the Key/Button categories in line with Select Previous/Next Skill, and then use the mouse wheel, spinning it up or down).
(Click to see Full Size)

Thats it! Now you can use your mouses scrollwheel to quickly choose the skill you want your character to use. 

[Although I was utilizing Windows7 at the time here, 
I have recently tested it in Windows 8.1 and it worked there as well] 

I hope that gets it working for you - and See You In The Game!

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Devil May Cry4 PSP Theme Deluxe

Devil May Cry4 PSP Theme Deluxe

2 days ago i bought this game for my PC, cool game with 2 cool character Dante and Nero
i like the storyline, not bad for the graphic and How about Devil may cry4 PSP Theme ?
I mix the wallpaper with different icons on each category icon and first level icon, then i convert it to ptf and i finished it, here Wonderful PSP Theme for you PSP

Download Devil May Cry4 PSP Theme (Deluxe)

This PSP Theme compatible with XMB 4.0, 4.01 firmware or higher version

Always stay tune to my blog guys because ill always make another cool PSP Theme which you cant find in other place...thx
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DIAURA Acoustic Single Silent Pray 2 2016 12 24

DIAURA Acoustic Single Silent Pray 2 2016 12 24

Track list
01. Rakujitsu
02. Lily
03. If

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Diablo III rumour become real!

Diablo III rumour become real!

All the Diablo II fans out there.... now you can confirm there is definitely have Diablo III in the future because Blizzard already developing it now! Is same like Starcraft II which is the developing phrase and I think Starcraft II will launch first before Diablo III out in the market.

I already watch the cinematic and the game play video for Diablo III and felt that its really a great game and definitely will hotter last time Diablo II. Remain the game style and pattern but improve the background and 3D is getting more realistic. You can break the ground or wall in the game which shows that Blizzard is putting in the directX 10.0 technology with the physic engine effect. Means that every reflection, reaction and object movement is calculate using the real physic formula that give you the real 3D feeling just like in the real life re-action effect.

New classes like Witch Doctor and tristram. Really cant wait for the launch of Diablo III already! I want to play now!!! XD

Diablo III official website: click
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Diga adeus para City of Heroes e seu estúdio

Diga adeus para City of Heroes e seu estúdio


A Paragon Studios anunciou que, a partir de hoje, todo o trabalho no MMORPG de super-her�is City of Heroes ser� encerrado, e o jogo ter� suas portas fechadas no fim do ano. Em um post no site oficial de City of Heroes, o gerente de comunidade Andy Belford escreve:
Em um realinhamento de foco da empresa e do suporte de distribui��o, a NCSoft decidiu fechar a Paragon Studios. A partir de agora, todo o desenvolvimento em City of Heroes vai cessar, e vamos come�ar a nos preparar para encerrar o primeiro e melhor MMORPG de super-her�is antes do fim do ano. Como parte disso, todas as cobran�as recorrentes de assinatura e compras  no Paragon Market v�o ser descontinuadas imediatamente. Vamos ter mais informa��es com respeito a um cronograma para o encerramento dos servi�os e o que voc� pode esperar do jogos nas pr�ximas semanas.
A equipe aqui na Paragon merece elogios especiais por tudo o que conquistamos nos �ltimos mais de cinco anos. Esses desenvolvedores s�o algumas das pessoas mais criativas e talentosas da ind�stria de jogos. Todos j� devem ter recebido essa not�cia internamente, mas, para qualquer um que esteja lendo esta mensagem depois do fato, saiba que seu trabalho duro e dedica��o n�o passaram em branco. Para qualquer est�dio em potencial procurando aumentar sua equipe: contrate esas pessoas. Voc� n�o vai se arrepender.

Belford conclui a mensagem com um agradecimento � comunidade, acrescentando: "N�o poder�amos ter chegado t�o longe sem voc�s. Eu imploro a todos, concentrem-se nas coisas boas de CoH e da Paragon Studios. N�o se prendam aos comos e aos porqu�s, e se juntem a n�s na celebra��o de um legado de uma parceria incr�vel entre os jogadores e a equipe de desenvolvimento".
City of Heroes foi lan�ado em 2004.
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Dev Tomb Raider dan Deus Ex Berkolaborasi Kembangkan Game The Avengers

Dev Tomb Raider dan Deus Ex Berkolaborasi Kembangkan Game The Avengers

Sebelumnya Square Enix menarik perhatian gamer di media sosial akan mengumumkan sesuatu yang dashyat, ternyata pengumuman yang dimaksud ini adalah kerja sama mereka dengan Marvel untuk mengembangkan proyek The Avengers.

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Crystal Dynamics, developer di balik Tomb Raider dan juga Eidos Montreal yang dikenal akan seri Deus Ex berkolaborasi untuk mengerjakan proyek satu ini. Berikut teaser yang Square Enix rilis:
Pada teaser berdurasi satu menit ini diperlihatkan palu milik Thor, perisai milik Captain America dan juga dari Ironman tergeletak di tanah.
Square Enix belum memberikan penjelasan lebih detil soal proyek ini, maka dari itu kita semua belum tahu akan seperti apa game ini, dirilis di platform apa dan menceritakan tentang apa. Pihak Square Enix menyatakan bahwa akan memberikan informasi lanjut pada tahun 2018 mendatang, jadi tampaknya kita hanya bisa duduk manis untuk sementara.
Source: Eurogamer
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DiRT 2 Demo for Mac

DiRT 2 Demo for Mac

DiRT 2 is a 3D rally racing car game developed by Codemasters and published by Feral Interactive, and is the sequel to Colin McRae: Dirt. DiRT 2 is a fast-paced action racing game that features a vast collection of licensed rally cars and off-road vehicles, along with many off-road tracks to race.

The demo of DiRT 2 gives you access to compete in two events (the Trailblazer and Landrush) giving you a taste of what DiRT 2 has to offer.

System Requirements

2.4 GHz Intel powered Mac
Mac OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard or newer
128 MB graphics card

Free download at
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Dica de Mangá xxxHolic

Dica de Mangá xxxHolic

Bom povo, como sempre dei aquela sumida b�sica por causa de provas e tals, e como ningu�m � de ferro, depois das provas vieram minhas esperad�ssimas f�rias, e estou tirando bom proveito delas colocando os jogos que tenho que jogar em dia e lendo alguns mang�s.... Sim, mang�s! Eu n�o tinha o costume de ler, preferia animes... mas com o YouTube LEGAL do jeito que ele t� agora, fica meio dif�cil de assistir por l� e eu nunca gostei muito de ficar baixando por raz�es de frescura minha mesmo -r�

Aeeeeeeeeeee n�, como eu lembrei que tinha blog, resolvi falar um pouquinho sobre um que comecei a ler e j� to doida atr�s do resto das edi��es... (COMIX, por favor n�o consuma meu sal�rio, n�o consuma meu sal�rio, n�o consuma meu sal�rio @_@) 

xxxHolic! Que tamb�m tem anime e � tipo um "spin-off" de Sakura Card Captors que eu tamb�m adoro :3

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Friday, July 28, 2017

Diabetes Melitus

Diabetes Melitus

1. Definisi

Diabetes mellitus atau penyakit gula atau kencing manis adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan kadar glukosa darah yang melebihi normal (hiperglikemia) akibat tubuh kekurangan insulin baik absolut maupun relatif.

Tingkat kadar glukosa darah menentukan apakah seseorang menderita DM atau tidak. Tabel berikut menunjukkan kriteria DM atau bukan :

Bukan DM Puasa Vena < 100

Kapiler < 80

2 jam PP -
Gangguan Toleransi


Puasa Vena 100 - 140

Kapiler 80 - 120

2 jam PP Vena 100 - 140

Kapiler 80 � 120

DM Puasa Vena > 140

Kapiler > 120

2 jam PP Vena > 200

Kapiler > 200

Jenis Diabetes Melitus dikelompokkan menurut sifatnya :

  • Diabetes mellitus tergantung insulin
  • Diabetes mellitus tidak tergantung insulin, terdiri penderita gemuk dan kurus
  • Diabetes mellitus terkait malnutrisi

Diabetes melitus yang terkait keadaan atau gejala tertentu seperti penyakit pankreas, penyakit hormonal, obat-obatan / bahan kimia, kelainan insulin / reseptornya, sindrom genetik dll

2. Faktor Penyebab Diabetes melittus

Umumnya diabetes melittus disebabkan oleh rusaknya sebagian kecil atau sebagian besar dari sel-sel betha dari pulau-pulau Langerhans pada pankreas yang berfungsi menghasilkan insulin, akibatnya terjadi kekurangan insulin.

Disamping itu diabetes melittus juga dapat terjadi karena gangguan terhadap fungsi insulin dalam memasukan glukosa kedalam sel. Gangguan itu dapat terjadi karena kegemukan atau sebab lain yang belum diketahui

3. Type Diabetes Mellitus

Penyakit diabetes mellitus (DM)-yang dikenal masyarakat sebagai penyakit gula atau kencing manis-terjadi pada seseorang yang mengalami peningkatan kadar gula (glukosa) dalam darah akibat kekurangan insulin atau reseptor insulin tidak berfungsi baik.

Diabetes yang timbul akibat kekurangan insulin disebut DM tipe 1 atau Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Sedang diabetes karena insulin tidak berfungsi dengan baik disebut DM tipe 2 atau Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM).

Insulin adalah hormon yang diproduksi sel beta di pankreas, sebuah kelenjar yang terletak di belakang lambung, yang berfungsi mengatur metabolisme glukosa menjadi energi serta mengubah kelebihan glukosa menjadi glikogen yang disimpan di dalam hati dan otot.

Tidak keluarnya insulin dari kelenjar pankreas penderita DM tipe 1 bisa disebabkan oleh reaksi autoimun berupa serangan antibodi terhadap sel beta pankreas.

Pada penderita DM tipe 2, insulin yang ada tidak bekerja dengan baik karena reseptor insulin pada sel berkurang atau berubah struktur sehingga hanya sedikit glukosa yang berhasil masuk sel.

Akibatnya, sel mengalami kekurangan glukosa, di sisi lain glukosa menumpuk dalam darah. Kondisi ini dalam jangka panjang akan merusak pembuluh darah dan menimbulkan pelbagai komplikasi. Bagi penderita Diabetes Melitus yang sudah bertahun-tahun minum obat modern seringkali mengalami efek yang negatif untuk organ tubuh lain.

4. Gejala Penderita Diabetes Mellitus

Tiga gejala klasik yang dialami penderita diabetes. Yaitu:

  • banyak minum,
  • banyak kencing,
  • berat badan turun.

Pada awalnya, kadang-kadang berat badan penderita diabetes naik. Penyebabnya, kadar gula tinggi dalam tubuh. Maka perlu waspada apabila keinginan minum kita terlalu berlebihan dan juga merasa ingin makan terus. Berat badan yang pada awalnya terus melejit naik lalu tiba-tiba turun terus tanpa diet. Tetangga saya ibu Ida juga tak pernah menyadari kalau menderita diabet ketika badannya yang gemuk tiba-tiba terus menyusut tanpa dikehendaki. Gejala lain, adalah gangguan saraf tepi berupa kesemutan terutama di malam hari, gangguan penglihatan, gatal di daerah kemaluan atau lipatan kulit, bisul atau luka yang lama sembuh, gangguan ereksi pada pria dan keputihan pada perempuan.


Pada tahap awal gejala umumnya ringan sehingga tidak dirasakan, baru diketahui sesudah adanya pemeriksaan laboratorium.

Pada tahap lanjut gejala yang muncul antara lain :

  • Rasa haus
  • Banyak kencing
  • Berat badan turun
  • Rasa lapar
  • Badan lemas
  • Rasa gatal
  • Kesemutan
  • Mata kabur
  • Kulit Kering
  • Gairah sex lemah


  • Penglihatan kabur
  • Penyakit jantung
  • Penyakit ginjal
  • Gangguan kulit dan syaraf
  • Pembusukan
  • Gairah sex menurun

Jika tidak tepat ditangani, dalam jangka panjang penyakit diabetes bisa menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi. Maka bagi penderita diabet jangan sampai lengah untuk selalu mengukur kadar gula darahnya, baik ke laboratorium atau gunakan alat sendiri. Bila tidak waspada maka bisa berakibat pada gangguan pembuluh darah a.l.

  • gangguan pembuluh darah otak (stroke),
  • pembuluh darah mata (gangguan penglihatan),
  • pembuluh darah jantung (penyakit jantung koroner),
  • pembuluh darah ginjal (gagal ginjal), serta
  • pembuluh darah kaki (luka yang sukar sembuh/gangren).

Penderita juga rentan infeksi, mudah terkena infeksi paru, gigi, dan gusi serta saluran kemih.

Kardiopati diabetik

Kardiopati diabetik adalah gangguan jantung akibat diabetes. Glukosa darah yang tinggi dalam jangka waktu panjang akan menaikkan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah. Lama-kelamaan akan terjadi aterosklerosis atau penyempitan pembuluh darah. Maka bagi para penderita diabet perlu pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah secara rutin. Dari pengalaman saya untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah sekaligus menormalkan kadar kolestrol dan trigliserida sebenarnya sangat mudah. Yang pertama sebenarnya pola makan malam. Upayakanlah tidak makan nasi pada malam hari. Gantilah dengan makan kentang atau bisa juga pisang kepok rebus atau bisa juga konsumsi sayur dan buah-buahan.

Penyempitan pembuluh darah koroner menyebabkan infark jantung dengan gejala antara lain nyeri dada. Karena diabetes juga merusak sistem saraf, rasa nyeri kadang-kadang tidak terasa. Serangan yang tidak terasa ini disebut silent infraction atau silent heart attack.

Kematian akibat kelainan jantung dan pembuluh darah pada penderita diabetes kira-kira dua hingga tiga kali lipat lebih besar dibanding bukan penderita diabetes., pengendalian kadar gula dalam darah belum cukup untuk mencegah gangguan jantung pada penderita diabetes.

Sebagaimana rekomendasi Asosiasi Diabetes Amerika (ADA) serta perkumpulan sejenis di Eropa atau Indonesia (Perkumpulan Endokrinologi Indonesia/Perkeni), penderita diabetes diharapkan mengendalikan semua faktor secara bersama-sama untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.

Tekanan darah harus diturunkan secara agresif di bawah 130/80 mmHg, trigliserida di bawah 150 mg/dl, LDL (kolesterol buruk) kurang dari 100 mg/dl, HDL (kolesterol baik) di atas 40 mg/dl. Hal ini memberi proteksi lebih baik pada jantung.

Gangren dan impotensi

Penderita diabetes yang kadar glukosanya tidak terkontrol respons imunnya menurun. Akibatnya, penderita rentan terhadap infeksi, seperti infeksi saluran kencing, infeksi paru serta infeksi kaki.

Banyak hal yang menyebabkan kaki penderita diabetes mudah kena infeksi, terkena knalpot, lecet akibat sepatu sesak, luka kecil saat memotong kuku, kompres kaki yang terlalu panas. Infeksi kaki mudah timbul pada penderita diabetes kronis dan dikenal sebagai penyulit gangren atau ulkus.

Jika dibiarkan, infeksi akan mengakibatkan pembusukan pada bagian luka karena tidak mendapat aliran darah. Pasalnya, pembuluh darah penderita diabetes banyak tersumbat atau menyempit. Jika luka membusuk, mau tidak mau bagian yang terinfeksi harus diamputasi.

Penderita diabetes yang terkena gangren perlu dikontrol ketat gula darahnya serta diberi antibiotika. Penanganan gangren perlu kerja sama dengan dokter bedah.

Untuk mencegah gangren, penderita diabetes perlu mendapat informasi mengenai cara aman memotong kuku serta cara memilih sepatu.

Impotensi juga menjadi momok bagi penderita diabetes, impotensi disebabkan pembuluh darah mengalami kebocoran sehingga penis tidak bisa ereksi. Impotensi pada penderita diabetes juga bisa disebabkan oleh faktor psikologis atau gabungan organis dan psikologis.

Nefropati diabetik

Entah bagaimana mulanya akhir-akhir ini banyak pasien gagal ginjal datang ke klinik saya. Sebelumnya tak pernah saya duga bahwa tanaman obat kita mampu membantu mengatasi kasus gagal ginjal. Awal mulanya seorang penderita gagal ginjal dengan penuh keyakinan meminta tolong saya untuk membantu mengatasi penyakitnya.

Nefropati diabetik adalah gangguan fungsi ginjal akibat kebocoran selaput penyaring darah. Sebagaimana diketahui, ginjal terdiri dari jutaan unit penyaring (glomerulus). Setiap unit penyaring memiliki membran/selaput penyaring. Kadar gula darah tinggi secara perlahan akan merusak selaput penyaring ini.

Gula yang tinggi dalam darah akan bereaksi dengan protein sehingga mengubah struktur dan fungsi sel, termasuk membran basal glomerulus. Akibatnya, penghalang protein rusak dan terjadi kebocoran protein ke urin (albuminuria). Hal ini berpengaruh buruk pada ginjal.

Menurut situs Nephrology Channel, tahap mikroalbuminuria ditandai dengan keluarnya 30 mg albumin dalam urin selama 24 jam. Jika diabaikan, kondisi ini akan berlanjut terus sampai tahap gagal ginjal terminal. Karena itu, penderita diabetes harus diperiksa kadar mikroalbuminurianya setiap tahun.

Penderita diabetes tipe 1 secara bertahap akan sampai pada kondisi nefropati diabetik atau gangguan ginjal akibat diabetes. Sekitar lima sampai 15 persen diabetes tipe 2 juga berisiko mengalami kondisi ini.

Gangguan ginjal, menyebabkan fungsi ekskresi, filtrasi dan hormonal ginjal terganggu. Akibat terganggunya pengeluaran zat-zat racun lewat urin, zat racun tertimbun di tubuh. Tubuh membengkak dan timbul risiko kematian.

Ginjal juga memproduksi hormon eritropoetin yang berfungsi mematangkan sel darah merah. Gangguan pada ginjal menyebabkan penderita mengalami anemia.

Pengobatan progresif sejak dini bisa menunda bahkan menghentikan progresivitas penyakit. Repotnya penderita umumnya baru berobat saat gangguan ginjal sudah lanjut atau terjadi makroalbuminuria (300 mg albumin dalam urin per 24 jam).

Pengobatan meliputi kontrol tekanan darah. Tindakan ini dianggap paling penting untuk melindungi fungsi ginjal. Biasanya menggunakan penghambat enzim pengonversi angiotensin (ACE inhibitors) dan atau penghambat reseptor angiotensin (ARBs). Selain itu dilakukan pengendalian kadar gula darah dan pembatasan asupan protein (0,6-0,8 gram per kilogram berat badan per hari).

Penderita yang telah sampai tahap gagal ginjal memerlukan hemodialisis atau transplantasi ginjal.

Gejala nefropati diabetes baru terasa saat kerusakan ginjal telah parah berupa bengkak pada kaki dan wajah, mual, muntah, lesu, sakit kepala, gatal, sering cegukan, mengalami penurunan berat badan.

Penderita nefropati harus menghindari zat yang bisa memperparah kerusakan ginjal, misalnya pewarna kontras yang digunakan untuk rontgen, obat anti-inflamasi nonsteroid serta obat-obatan yang belum diketahui efek sampingnya.

Retinopati diabetik

Diabetes juga dapat menimbulkan gangguan pada mata. Yang terutama adalah retinopati diabetik. Keadaan ini, disebabkan rusaknya pembuluh darah yang memberi makan retina.

Bentuk kerusakan bisa bocor dan keluar cairan atau darah yang membuat retina bengkak atau timbul endapan lemak yang disebut eksudat. Selain itu terjadi cabang-cabang abnormal pembuluh darah yang rapuh menerjang daerah yang sehat.

Retina adalah bagian mata tempat cahaya difokuskan setelah melewati lensa mata. Cahaya yang difokuskan akan membentuk bayangan yang akan dibawa ke otak oleh saraf optik.

Bila pembuluh darah mata bocor atau terbentuk jaringan parut di retina, bayangan yang dikirim ke otak menjadi kabur. Gangguan penglihatan makin berat jika cairan yang bocor mengumpul di fovea, pusat retina yang menjalankan fungsi penglihatan sentral. Akibatnya, penglihatan kabur saat membaca, melihat obyek yang dekat serta obyek yang lurus di depan mata.

Pembuluh darah yang rapuh bisa pecah, sehingga darah mengaburkan vitreus, materi jernih seperti agar-agar yang mengisi bagian tengah mata. Hal ini menyebabkan cahaya yang menembus lensa terhalang dan tidak sampai ke retina atau mengalami distorsi. Jaringan parut yang terbentuk dari pembuluh darah yang pecah di korpus vitreum dapat mengerut dan menarik retina, sehingga retina lepas dari bagian belakang mata. Pembuluh darah bisa muncul di iris (selaput pelangi mata) menyebabkan glaukoma.

Risiko terjadinya retinopati diabetik cukup tinggi. Sekitar 60 persen orang yang menderita diabetes 15 tahun atau lebih mengalami kerusakan pembuluh darah pada mata.

Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan oftalmoskop serta angiografi fluoresen yaitu foto rontgen mata menggunakan zat fluoresen untuk mengetahui kebocoran pembuluh darah.

Pengobatan dilakukan dengan bedah laser oftalmologi. Yaitu, penggunaan sinar laser untuk menutup pembuluh darah yang bocor, sehingga tidak terbentuk pembuluh darah abnormal yang rapuh. Selain itu bisa dilakukan vitrektomi yaitu tindakan mengeluarkan vitreus yang dipenuhi darah dan menggantinya dengan cairan jernih.

Penderita retinopati hanya boleh berolahraga ringan dan harus menghindari gerakan membungkuk sampai kepala di bawah.

Menderita diabetes bukan berarti kiamat. Penderita diabetes bisa hidup secara wajar dan normal seperti orang- orang yang bukan penderita diabetes. Bedanya, penderita diabetes harus disiplin mengontrol kadar gula darah agar tidak meningkat di atas normal untuk jangka waktu panjang.

Penyakit diabetes mellitus (DM)-yang dikenal masyarakat sebagai penyakit gula atau kencing manis-terjadi pada seseorang yang mengalami peningkatan kadar gula (glukosa) dalam darah akibat kekurangan insulin atau reseptor insulin tidak berfungsi baik.

Diabetes yang timbul akibat kekurangan insulin disebut DM tipe 1 atau Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Sedang diabetes karena insulin tidak berfungsi dengan baik disebut DM tipe 2 atau Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM).

Insulin adalah hormon yang diproduksi sel beta di pankreas, sebuah kelenjar yang terletak di belakang lambung, yang berfungsi mengatur metabolisme glukosa menjadi energi serta mengubah kelebihan glukosa menjadi glikogen yang disimpan di dalam hati dan otot.

Tidak keluarnya insulin dari kelenjar pankreas penderita DM tipe 1 bisa disebabkan oleh reaksi autoimun berupa serangan antibodi terhadap sel beta pankreas.

Pada penderita DM tipe 2, insulin yang ada tidak bekerja dengan baik karena reseptor insulin pada sel berkurang atau berubah struktur sehingga hanya sedikit glukosa yang berhasil masuk sel.

Akibatnya, sel mengalami kekurangan glukosa, di sisi lain glukosa menumpuk dalam darah. Kondisi ini dalam jangka panjang akan merusak pembuluh darah dan menimbulkan pelbagai komplikasi.

Tiga gejala klasik yang dialami penderita diabetes. Yaitu, banyak minum, banyak kencing, dan berat badan turun. Pada awalnya, kadang-kadang berat badan penderita diabetes naik. Penyebabnya, kadar gula tinggi dalam tubuh.

Gejala lain, adalah gangguan saraf tepi berupa kesemutan terutama di malam hari, gangguan penglihatan, gatal di daerah kemaluan atau lipatan kulit, bisul atau luka yang lama sembuh, gangguan ereksi pada pria dan keputihan pada perempuan.

Jika tidak tepat ditangani, dalam jangka panjang penyakit diabetes bisa menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi akibat gangguan pembuluh darah, gangguan bisa terjadi pada pembuluh darah otak (stroke), pembuluh darah mata (gangguan penglihatan), pembuluh darah jantung (penyakit jantung koroner), pembuluh darah ginjal (gagal ginjal), serta pembuluh darah kaki (luka yang sukar sembuh/gangren). Penderita juga rentan infeksi, mudah terkena infeksi paru, gigi, dan gusi serta saluran kemih.

5. Pengobatan dan Perawatan

Pengobatan Diabetes milittus yang secara langsung terhadap kerusakan pulau-pulau Langerhans di pankreas belum ada. Oleh karena itu pengobatan untuk penderita DM berupa kegiatan pengelolaan dengan tujuan :

  • Menghilangkan keluhan dan gejala akibat defisiensi insulin ( gejala DM )
  • Mencegah komplikasi kronis yang dapat menyerang pembuluh darah, jantung, ginjal, mata, syaraf, kulit, kaki dsb.

Tindakan pengelolaan yang dilakukan :

  • Menormalkan kadar glukosa, lemak, dan insulin di dalam darah serta memberikan pengobatan penyakit kronis lainnya. Langkah yang dilakukan terutama : Diet; Mengurangi kalori dan meningkatkan konsumsi vitamin. aktivitas fisik; olahraga teratur, pengelolaan glukosa dan meningkatkan kepekaan terhadap insulin.
  • Obat-obat hipoglikemia oral : Sulfonylurea untuk merangsang pancreas menghasilkan insulin dan mengurangi resistensi terhadap insulin.
  • Terapi insulin

Tanaman obat memiliki kelebihan dalam pengobatan DM karena umumnya tanaman obat memiliki fungsi konstruktif yaitu membangun kembali jaringan-jaringan yang rusak serta menyembuhkan penyakit komplikasi yang lain.

Dengan demikian dari tanaman obat diharapkan :

  • Perbaikan kerusakan fungsi pankreas
  • Peningkatan efektifitas insulin yang dihasilkan
  • Penyembuhan penyakit komplikasi akibat DM
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Direktori MP3 Metallica St Anger 2003

Direktori MP3 Metallica St Anger 2003

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Destiny Review

Destiny Review

Over the years Bungie has become one of the most recognizable names in gaming. What once began as a small group of people releasing games for the Mac, one day joined forces with Microsoft and revolutionized console first person shooters with a little game called "Halo." Since the release of the original Halo, Bungie has been known world wide, and a large fan base has formed following them every step of the way. Halo continued to establish itself as one of the leading console shooters with each release, and this success continued on into the 7th generation on the Xbox 360.

After releasing Halo 3, things began to change at Bungie. Rather than being a part of Microsoft, the company once again broke off on its own. While they were no longer tied down by Microsoft, they continued making Halo games up until the release of Halo Reach. At this point development for future Halo titles was passed onto the newly formed  343 Industries, and Bungie moved on to their next project; a game we now know as Destiny.

This time, teaming up with Activision (who originally had interest in buying Bungie before Microsoft picked them up) Bungie set out to create a new original series using their past experiences to their advantage. The end result is a space first person shooter MMO called "Destiny," which Bungie plans on keeping around for at least 10 years. Destiny had a lot of hype surrounding its release, but just how good is the game really? Is it the best game ever? Is it better than Halo? Or was all of the hype just that--hype? Well after playing for many (many) hours, and seeing just about all of its current content, we are ready to give our verdict (for now).

Now before reading we want you to keep in mind that this game is part MMO. Bungie has said many times that they plan on keeping it around for at least 10 years, and they also made it very clear that this is just a starting point. At the time of this review the game has only been out for a week, and more expansions and updates are on the way. Bungie is also taking recommendations for features, so outside of the expansions there will most likely be smaller updates which will fix issues and add requested content. If this is the case, this review will be updated. So now with that being said, lets get on with the review.

The Story:

One of the things Bungie pushed before the games release was Destinys story. According to them it is a massive universe with tons of history, and epic events (maybe them werent quite their words, but it is close enough). They stated that they wanted to give players something on par with "Lord of the Rings," and that got a lot of people excited. Well, if you were one of them people hoping for some grand adventure, you may be let down when you read this.

Destiny takes place far in the future after, well, a lot happens. The game begins with this little robot thing called a Ghost reviving your dead body (which has been dead for a LONG time apparently), and then proceeds to call you a "Guardian." From the get go the Ghost lets you know that youll be seeing a lot of things you wont understand, and it then directs you to basically run for your life towards a door leading into a massive wall. Inside this wall the Ghost then helps you find a weapon, and you begin fighting aliens called "The Fallen." As you make your way through the area, you kill just about everything in your way, and finally make it to a ship; a ship you get to keep. Once again following the Ghosts orders you fly to the last stronghold on Earth, a place called "The Tower."

Once you arrive at the tower, things start to make a little more sense. Apparently at one point in time this giant planet thing called "the Traveler" came to Earth and brought the galaxy to its "Golden Age." Then, the darkness came. Aliens from other planets began invading destroying all of the light the Traveler brought with it, so in its last attempt to save itself and the galaxy it released the Ghosts to find those who are worthy of becoming Guardians to fight back. And that, is what you must do.

The rest of the games story really isnt much. You follow your Ghost, kill things because you are told to, collect data because you are told to, and complete side quests to help the Tower just because you are told to. At one point something happens, and you race to stop one race of aliens from destroying a planet, but it never feels like a major event. It is more along the lines of a small stepping stone in a much larger story that is yet to come, and even the games ending makes that VERY clear. Without going into spoilers all we can really say is that the game tells you itself that it isnt over, or rather, it is just the beginning.

Although the main storyline may feel a bit lacking, there is actually a lot of history to this universe. As you play through the game and complete different goals youll unlock special cards which can be read on the website, and a lot of the games overall story is actually told here. You can read the background of each enemy, weapon, and location. You can learn about all of the different factions within each alien race, and you can even learn about other Guardians experiences and what theyve gone through while you were still dead. There is actually a lot going on, and it gives the story much more depth, but once again this can only be accessed form the website so it is easy for players to miss. Still even with all of this background, the games main plot is pretty basic. Only a handful of cutscenes, and side quests which youll soon forget about make up the entirety of it. Even so, the story really isnt the main focus; Destiny is more about the gameplay than anything else.

The Gameplay:

Destiny is, well, a Bungie game, and it shows. I personally hate describing games by using others, but in this case Ill make an exception (somewhat). The thing about Destiny is that it is sort of a spiritual successor to Halo, and as such it plays and feels a lot like it. Sure it is its own game, dont get me wrong, but for any long time Bungie fans, youll feel right at home with this. Youll pick up the controller, and instantly know what to do, and what to expect. Everything from the enemies, to the level design, to the art style will bring you back to the early days of Halo, and that isnt a bad thing. Still, although it is a lot like Halo, it is also vastly different in quite a few ways.

The General Gameplay -

For those of you who have never played Halo, let me explain. Destiny is a first person shooter at its core. Youll move the camera with the right analog stick, youll use the triggers to aim and shoot, throw bombs, melee attack, and use special skills. You can also get into vehicles (many of which are basically re-skinned vehicles from Halo which play and control the same), mount turrets, jump (and possibly glide) through the air, and preform other basic actions you might come to expect from a game in this genre; however, with all of the standard features comes a lot of new ones as well.

While Destiny is a shooter, it is also half MMO. Before you start you are asked to create your own character, and choose between one of three starting classes. One is called a Titan, another is the Hunter, and finally there is the Warlock. Each class has their own unique skills and abilities to unlock and use, and they also have an extra sub class you can branch off and go down. For example the Hunter is a faster class and sort of a balance between the Titan (which has a lot of armor) and Warlock (which has low armor but fast armor/health regeneration), and it can either go down a melee or gun based path. With the default gun path the Hunter can pull out a golden gun which does massive damage, and with the sword based class they can enter a special state where they can slash things to bits. On top of these special moves other abilities are unlocked with them which allow you to change their properties as well. For example the golden gun can be changed to one with better accuracy, or it can be changed into one that causes enemies that are killed by it to explode (which causes damage to the enemies around it). This is how all classes in the game work, and each one has their own advantages. It all comes down to your personal play style, and it helps make your character feel more like your own rather than just some generic shooter guy.

On top of the class skills, there are also skills and abilities which come along with the equipment you collect. Rather than giving you basic items to use, Destiny is all about finding loot and upgrading it to make your character stronger. Some pieces of equipment you find will simply offer more defense, but some will come with added abilities which will allow your character to do different things. For example an arm part may have an ability which allows you to throw your grenade farther (which each class has three unique ones they can switch between), or you might find a sniper which can be upgraded to shoot explosive ammo. There are also sometimes stat bonuses attached to each piece of equipment as well, which will decrease your wait time between each use of your special moves, so if you would rather focus more on say your melee special attack rather than your grenade, you can. Overall theres just a lot of different options for you when it comes to customizing your character, and theres also plenty of weapon types as well. With each hunter holding a primary, secondary, and a heavy weapon, you can make your character diverse as you want. Still, this is only scratching the surface.

One feature which really makes Destinys inventory stand out is the fact that you can freely change equipment ANYWHERE in the game. You can hold nine pieces of equipment in most slots, and you can freely switch out your equip items on the fly. Have your secondary set to a sniper, but you need something heavy for close range? Just open up the menu and switch over to your shotgun, it is that easy. This works in the story mode, in versus mode, and in every other gameplay mode Bungie may release in the future, and it is great. You can also summon a fast traveling vehicle from just about anywhere as well, with only some restrictions set in "dungeon" like areas, and in some smaller versus mode maps.

The not so single, Single Player -

As youre building your character, upgrading items, etc, Destiny offers a lot of gameplay modes for you to play through; with the main one being the "single player" story.

In the single player Guardians make their way through different stages as they complete different goals, and sometimes even fight bosses; however unlike in most shooters, the single player mode isnt quite a single player experience. While the game only features four locations for you to visit, each location is a massive open map with mini "levels" within them. As youre sent to one of the many different locations on the map to complete whatever goal it is you need to finish, other players will also be on the map doing the same thing. While you may be going through the second story mission, you will be seeing others who may be either doing the same one, or possibly a later one. Everyone just sort of does their own thing on the map, but once you enter one of the restricted areas (stages) youll be alone once again and youll be able to play through said area like in a standard shooter. Typically these areas are linear (with some paths which may lead to other sections of the overall map), and are free from intruding players. Of course you can team up with up to two other people to take these ares on in co-op, but you dont have to if you dont want to.

Along with the story missions, random public events can occur as well. When these happen every player in the area is free to join in for a chance to receive special rewards based on the groups ranking. Those who complete public events fast and efficiently will find themselves with better rewards than ones who just squeak by, or only complete a handful of the requested goals. These events can be quite rare, but if youre in the right place at the right time, they are well worth doing.

Outside of the story missions, each area of the game also has what is called a "patrol" mission. With these missions your only real goal is to explore the world (which worlds have collectibles for you to find, as expected from a Bungie title), and complete optional side quests found from beacons scattered throughout the map. These side quests typically ask you to kill enemies, or find specific items in the area, but they do give you rewards for completing them.

On top of the patrol mission side quests, there are also "bounties" which can be accepted in the Tower (the games main hub). These bounty missions ask you to complete goals either in the story or in the versus mode, and will give you reputation depending on the type of bounty it is. Vanguard missions will send you to the planets and rank up your Vanguard ranking, while Crucible missions will send you to the Crucible (the versus mode area) to increase your rank there instead. By bringing your ranking up for either one, youll earn the ability to buy special equipment sets later on in the game, and in return will make you much stronger. While bounties are not the only way to increase your rep, it is a faster way to do so.

The Strikes -

Strikes are another gameplay mode, and once again they play out like your standard shooter. Just as in the story missions youll be dropped on one of the planets and be told to go somewhere, but rather than going alone you must be on a team; in fact, theres an entire matchmaking playlist just for this specific mode. As you get later in the game, different difficulty Strikes open up, and each one gives different rewards. While theres a lower level playlist for newer players, theres level 20 for max level players, and level 22 plus playlists for those who want even more of a challenge for better rewards. The Strikes themselves do typically take you to different locations from the ones found during the main story, and they feature new bosses as well; many of which are actually challenging, and take much longer to kill. Strikes also gain you Vanguard points, and become a very important part of post game. (Unless youd rather ignore them and focus on versus instead.)

The Raids -

Along with Strikes, Raids are another form of co-op missions where you complete specific goals in hopes of getting rare drops and better equipment as rewards. While the concept is still the same, Raids take Strikes to a whole new level, and serve as special events released by Bungie. Rather than simply letting players take them on at anytime, they are only open during specific times, they require a full six member party, and there is no match making so you must team up with a group of friends before you even attempt to enter a Raid. Once you are in a Raid however, things become even more complex.

While Strikes are basically Point A to Point B missions with bosses and mini bosses, the goals in Raids are set by Bungie, and require you to preform a wide verity of tasks. The first Raid for example, requires you to split your team up into smaller teams, defend points against very strong enemies, take on extremely challenging bosses, and even make your way through a stealth section where the goal is to not be seen. Although this may sound easy to some, the difficulty is much higher than the main game, and it requires all members of your party to work as a team if you want to survive. Raids are also much longer than Raids (the smaller sections can actually take hours to complete), but Bungie does provide those who take it on with checkpoints, so even if you get stuck or dont have all day free to complete it, you can always come back later; as long as it is within the Raids event period.

Of course, all of this may not always be the case. Once again Raids are up to Bungie, and that means it is always possible that they will release lower level/easier Raids in the future.

The Crucible -

For anyone who is a huge fan of Player vs Player modes, then the Crucible gameplay mode may be enough of a reason for you to buy Destiny. In the Crucible players take their characters to the battle arena where they can compete with others from around the world. Although you do get to use your own custom character, and you have access to your entire inventory (meaning you can change equipment on the fly), the game modes are balanced out so that higher level players do not truly have an advantage over newcomers. While skills and abilities gained from leveling up and form equipment can still be used, weapon and armor stats do not matter at all. Everyone is equal when it comes to health and armor, and weapons are balanced in a way you would expect a shooter to be. While there is a mode where stats carry over, it (just like Raids) is a special event mode Bungie is in control of.

The versus mode itself actually feels a lot like Bungies other titles (mainly Halo). Most of the maps are smaller as they are built for 12 players, only a few maps contain vehicles you can drive and turrets you can mount, and most of the stages have more than one layer to them. Rather than being in open areas on a single plain, typically there are tunnels under structures, buildings with more than one floor, and other high up areas which are easy to access thanks to the different forms of double jump you unlock early on. Although most maps are either some outside area with ruins or inside a building, they are all different enough to keep things from getting old.

When it comes to Destinys versus game modes, things are a bit different--or rather, a bit more limiting. While the maps feel like something right out of Halo, long time Bungie fans may be disappointing to see only a handful of modes to challenge yourself in. At this time there are only five gameplay modes, and all are what one might call "ranked." The game does not have any private player match system, and match making is limited to finding a random group of people to play with. While you can form a party and join a game together with friends, youre still forced to play with at least some people you dont know in official matches. As for the game modes, currently you can only take part in a capture mode (where you must stand next to flags to capture bases), a standard 6v6 mode, a 12 player free for all mode, and a smaller 3v3 versus mode where you can revive fallen teammates for extra points. The final mode is called "salvage" and is yet another one of Bungies special event modes. In this one two teams of three race to targets they must capture, and then defend until time runs out.

Overall these modes are a lot of fun, and do offer a nice verity, but it can be a bit of a let down considering how much Bungie has done in the past. Currently there is no standard capture the flag mode, theres no 3v3v3v3 mode (or other small team mode where there is more than one team), and there are no unique gameplay modes such as "zombie" where killing someone brings them over to your team and it is your job to be the last survivor. Modes such as these really helped Bungies multiplayer games in the past, and its just a bit disappointing Destiny doesnt have something similar (yet). Even so, Destinys versus mode is a lot of fun, and it is also a great way to get rare equipment. It also has its own reputation system, and bounties for you to take on.

The Good and the Bad:

Destiny, well, isnt an easy game to rate. For what it is at the moment, it is a very solid game. Its pros come from its solid gameplay, nice graphics, great soundtrack, character customization, online co-op, large open areas, challenging Raids, the Strikes, and form its really addicting versus mode. Although you can finish the games main story in just hours (depending on how fast you rush through it), theres a lot to keep you coming back for more. Strangely, the game becomes addicting, and even running the same Strike over and over again can be fun. From a gameplay standpoint, Destiny is everything it should be--a great first person shooter mixed with an MMO; one that manages to stay true to Bungies style, but also different enough to become its own game. In general theres nothing wrong with it, and it is just as fun to play on a next gen console as it is on a last gen. Still, it feels a little bit... Incomplete...

(How the heck did we get here?)
Although Bungie stated that they wanted this game to last for ten years, the way the game launched feels a bit lacking. The games story mode was short and basically tells you (the player) that it was all just an intro for whats to come, there are only four locations in the game which you can actually visit (other than the small hub town), theres only a handful of maps and gameplay modes in the versus mode, each area only has one or two Strikes associated with them, and the game is missing basic features such as the ability to use text chat (although there is an emote option), and it even limits voice chat to only those in your party/fire team (although this has sense been updated). On top of that, stats and story information unlocked from the cards can only be seen on the website, so players are forced to log in if they want the full Destiny experience. The website itself is also is missing basic features, and is filled with missed opportunities... Sure, you can view a map of the hub town and see what shops are currently selling that hour (yes, the items NPCs carry change over time), but theres no option to actually buy items from the site nor the app. If you see an item you want but youre stuck at work on your lunch break, then thats just too bad. You can look at it until it is gone (which would be by the time you get home).

Really though, none of this makes Destiny a bad game. It feels unfinished (because it is), but Bungie promises us that there is a lot still to come. Two full expansions have already been announced, and Bungie will continue to patch the game and release new features as the months, and even years, roll by. The game is promising, and already a lot of fun on its own, but only the future will tell just how good this one truly becomes.
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