
Friday, July 21, 2017

Digital Asset Market Reports March 2017 Summary

Digital Asset Market Reports March 2017 Summary

Here are the bitcoin, ethereum, and altcoin reports that made market news in the last month. Tap or click title to read report:


Bitcoin Market Report: BTC/USD Down -11.87% on the Month
2017-03-31 06:51:45
Bitcoin is up 0.23% on the day, up 1.06% on the week and down -11.87% on the month on a last price of $1045.20. BTC/USD is trading between a 24hr high of $1054.00 and a 24hr low of $1023.02 on a 24hr volume of 7,021 BTC. The weekly trend is mixed.
Bitcoin Market Report: BTC/USD Sets New All Time High of $1345.44
2017-03-13 22:33:19
Bitcoin is up 0.01% on the day, down -2.80% on the week and up 26.43% on the month on a last price of $1244.12. BTC/USD is trading between a 24hr high of $1250.00 and a 24hr low of $1180.00 on an OKCoin 24hr volume of 2723 BTC. The weekly trend is mixed after the recent all time high of $1345.44.


Ethereum Market Report: ETH/BTC Peaks at 0.05789989
2017-03-30 21:17:45
This week ether set a new all time high (ATH) of 0.05789989 ETH/BTC. Ethereum is down -0.84% on the day, up 22.49% on the week and up 300.66% on the month on a last price of 0.05062008. ETH/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.05199470 and a 24hr low of 0.04901000 on a 24hr volume of 23404 BTC or 462951 ETH. The weekly trend is mixed.
Ethereum Market Report: ETH/BTC Sets New All Time High
2017-03-19 00:19:36
Ethereum has set a new all time high and is down -16.73% on the day, up 81.74% on the week and up 168.10% on the month on a last price of 0.03321509. ETH/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.04200000 and a 24hr low of 0.03330000 on a 24hr volume of 68136 BTC or 1818321 ETH. The weekly trend is mixed.
Ethereum Market Report: ETH/BTC Up 48.23% on the Week
2017-03-13 20:07:53
Ethereum is up 22.64% on the day, up 48.23% on the week and up 101.29% on the month on a last price of 0.02291000. ETH/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.02530000 and a 24hr low of 0.01830000 on a 24hr volume of 57406 BTC or 2595653 ETH. The weekly trend is up.


Waves Market Report: BTC-WAVES Up 8.06% on the Day
2017-03-24 23:50:51
Waves is up 8.06% on the day on Bittrex. Waves launched on June 20 2016 with an opening price of 0.0039491 BTC-WAVES. The Waves all time high is 0.00057726 with an all time low of 0.00014000. Todays volume is 144 BTC and the last price is 0.00028679 BTC. In medium volume trading the short term trend is up.
Ripple Market Report: XRP/BTC Sets Monthly High
2017-03-24 21:03:10
Ripple has set a new daily, weekly and monthly high of 0.00001129 BTC. Ripple is up 10.60% on the day, up 91.36% on the week and up 106.27% on the month on a last price of 0.00001085. XRP/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.00001129 and a 24hr low of 0.00000804 on a 24hr volume of 16710 BTC or 1712560482 XRP. The weekly trend is up.
Melon Launch Report: MLN/BTC Up 104.00%
2017-03-20 20:01:43
Melon is down -4.00% on the day, up 104.00% since launch on Kraken. MLN/BTC launched on March 15 2017 with an opening price of 0.01500000. The Melon ICO all time high is 0.04102500 with an all time low of 0.01010100. Todays volume is 246.60 BTC. The last price is 0.03060000 and in medium trading the current trend is sideways.
Dash Market Report: DASH/BTC Sets New All Time High
2017-03-20 18:58:06
Dash has set a new all time high of 0.12415680 BTC. Dash is down -2.68% on the day, up 60.64% on the week and up 418.60% on the month on a last price of 0.09910000. DASH/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.10700000 and a 24hr low of 0.09360000 on a 24hr volume of 14595 BTC or 144150 DASH. The weekly trend is up.
Dash Market Report: DASH/BTC Up 78.89% on the Week
2017-03-11 22:45:35
Dash is up 36.25% on the day, up 78.89% on the week and up 284.15% on the month on a last price of 0.06240000. DASH/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.06348900 and a 24hr low of 0.04346013 on a 24hr volume of 28391 BTC or 525240 DASH. The weekly trend is up.
PotCoin Market Report: POT/BTC Up 20.27% on the Day
2017-03-05 19:25:54
PotCoin is up 20.27% on the day, up 1.68% on the week and down -21.61% on the month on a last price of 0.00001578. POT/BTC is trading between a 24hr high of 0.00001729 and a 24hr low of 0.00001265 on a 24hr volume of 313.77184243 BTC or 20001610.65690998 POT. The weekly trend is mixed.


digital, asset, market, reports, coin, summary, ETH, LTC, BTC, XMR, FCT, MAID, NEOS, ZEC, DASH, XRP, STRAT, BBR, DCR, GAME, NEX, SC, STR, NAV, XEM, STEEM, LSK, AMP, POT, XCP, VOX, SYS, DOGE

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