
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Digital signature

Digital signature

My airplane seat was next to the window...with a view of a steady white light on the wing. All I could see in the dark. Booooring. And I wanted something to do. I had a camera.

I knew the camera lens would remain open for a bit longer due to the lack of lighting. How much of a squiggle could I create with the wing light during that time? Hmm...could I draw a circle accurately? How about a square? (Okay, so the lens was only open long enough for me to make a hangman shape.)

Hey, why not try my signature! 7809 and 7812 show bad squiggles of "Jo". Increasing exposure to 5 seconds, and with lots more practice, I was able to write the names of people I had just visited on a trip. (My real handwriting is better...but not much!)

By the way, when you do this, your signature comes out upside-down in the camera. Id "write my name" in space, then turn the camera upside-down to see the results. (These images are right-side-up because I flipped the images over for you. Alternate approach: turn the camera upside down before writing your signature.)

Then I got bored with that and snuck back to the stewardess area to do this.

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