
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Diablo 3 Character Hero Monk

Diablo 3 Character Hero Monk

The monks. Holy warriors who believe that the madness and chaos of Sanctuary are destined to be brought into order, and that it is their sacred mission to assist their thousand and one gods in doing so. Arrayed in the fiery colors of Ytar, the fire god, monks draw from their years of intense training and meditation to become masters of melee combat. While proficient with many types of weapons� staves, blades, maces and spears, monks have no real need for such crude tools. Their discipline has honed both body and mind into living instruments of divine justice.

Fist of the Gods

In the cold northern lands of Ivgorod, hidden amongst the peaks of the Kohl Mountains that run from the Sharval Wilds and up along the shadow of the Dreadlands, are the monasteries of the Veradani monks. Apart from housing a veritable army of fighters, teachers, and acolytes, these austere and remote locations contain the collective wisdom that the order has gathered over long centuries.

As the militant arm of the Sahptev faith, the Veradani monks are priest-warriors who follow the divine injunctions of their Patriarchs, the rulers of Ivgorod. Known as the "City of the Patriarchs," Ivgorod is a religious oligarchy that, in ages past, held sway over a vast domain stretching to the deserts of Aranoch. The depredations of war and political turmoil have taken their toll since then, and now this holy city is all that remains of a once-great civilization.

The monks of Ivgorod present a unique profile among the leather and iron-clad peoples of the Western Kingdoms. They eschew heavy armor, relying on supernatural speed and catlike reflexes to avoid attack. Their foreheads are marked with two crimson circles, symbols that display their understanding of the balance between darkness and light, and icons of the Veradani order. The monk is a warrior of light, but one who can comprehend the darkness� and use that knowledge to utterly destroy it.

Now, as demonic forces rise across the world, the Patriarchs have dispatched their most vigilant disciples to purge the evil at its source and usher in the divine will of the thousand and one Sahptev gods.

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