
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness PSP

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness PSP

Hello friends,
 Its been several months since I updated this blog. It was because I was working on a set of whole new projects. One of them is my new site . Today  I have a good news and a bad news for you guys. The bad news is that I am not going to update this blog anymore. Wait! Dont get depressed. The good news being the fact that I will continue writing articles on my new site and I will also make web tools for you guys.
The new site contains beautiful presentation layouts, responsive design, web apps, etc. You will definitely like it. Below are some new articles and some web apps that I wrote . Make sure to check it out and follow my social media to keep updated.
Shan Eapen Koshy

Web tools

  • Background image generator
  • HTML5 youtube embed code generator(with playlist embed)
  • Adsense parser (HTML to XML Parser)
  • iFrame code generator
  • Vimeo video embed code generator


  •  Display image preview when hovering on links
  • Change youtube thumbnail in embed player
  • Specify image license information for google image license filter support
  • 4 ways to add missing artwork to itunes albums
  • Find traffic information of any website for free and compare it with others
  • Top free web hosting services
  • Disable youtube HTML5 player in embed player

Social Media

  • Facebook Page
  • Twitter
  • Google+

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