
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Discussion group for Robocode engine developers

Discussion group for Robocode engine developers


because lot of great ideas are flying in emails among us Robocode developers, contributors, developers of extensions and veteran Robocoders, I created new discussion group to improve spreading of information. Please, if you feel that you belong to some of groups above or belong there potentially, join us.
This group is NOT for support of Robocode users, if you need help with writing your robot, please use

Whole discussion should have circa following rules:
1) Ideas are welcome.
2) We are looking for contributions not for demands. All of us work in our free time, so if you have an idea, but you do not will to work hard on it, it is just wish. Your idea could be used by some of us or not. We may ask you to fill such idea as a feature request. We welcome feature requests.
3) Discussion should be constructive. We are trying to improve our great toy for everyone. So we should give each other as much freedom to implement our own ideas as possible.
4) For sure, we will have different opinions. In case that we will be unable to find common ground or conclusion, Flemming will decide which direction to go.
5) Flame war or holy wars about operating systems, platforms, languages, etc. are silly, please go private to discuss them.

Pavel �avara

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