
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Did Blizzard Get Hit By Their Own Banstick WoW Hacked

Did Blizzard Get Hit By Their Own Banstick WoW Hacked

Hey folks!

So the other day, I received an email from Trion, the owners of the MMO Rift. They haz been Haxxored. Since I have no real worry about my account there (nothing even closely resembling WoW by email or password combination) I could really give a rats ass. But....

(Tobold hit on the Rift hack on his site if you want more reading on it: Tobolds MMORPG Blog)

This morning, I open up twitter, and see that Blizzards forums have been down...for 6 far. Did they get sliced as well? Whaddabout our Authenticators, did that server get hit too?

My wonder is....are we in trouble? Are our accounts safe?

Better be safe than be sorry, so after changing my WoW password, and re-linking my Authenticator, I feel more in control of the situation. You can never be too careful, huh?

I am sure more updates to come. Who knows, maybe they are just going through Maintenance on...a Saturday? Or maybe they are giving us all Christmas in game pets....ITS A CONSPIRACY I TELLZ YOU!

I wonder if they did get hacked, would they admit it? Not likely....


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