
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Diablo III Reaper of Souls coming to Consoles!

Diablo III Reaper of Souls coming to Consoles!

Console gamers rejoice!! In an interview with console senior level designer Matthew Berger, Blizzard confirmed that they are indeed planning on porting the anticipated Diablo III expansion pack: Reaper of Souls, to the home consoles. Click this link to the said news report.

Heres an excerpt of the interview:

"So, is it going to come to console? Yes. Obviously we wanna bring this expansion to console, we dont exactly know how were going to do it yet (we havent announced that), and were going to treat the expansion in the same way we treated Diablo III when we moved it onto console, which means that we have to make sure that it is adapted to the console eco system in a way that is going to play the best way possible." 

Im definitely relieved to hear this news, as I was worried they would skip out porting Diablo III onto the home consoles, considering I already invested alot of time playing the game. Speaking of which, Blizzard also confirmed that people will be able to carry their characters over if they plan on upgrading their home console (PS3 to PS4 / Xbox 360 to Xbox One) which is a neat feature.

So to those of you worried if youll be left out of the expansion if you play on the console, fret not as Blizzard has got you covered. :D

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