
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Different Format specifiers available in C except for usual one

Different Format specifiers available in C except for usual one

Guyz I assume that most of the format specifiers of C which are frequently used are known by everyone of us e.g %d for int , %f for float , %c for char , %s for string , %ld for longint ,%lf for double etc so guyz here I am to talk about some other format specifier which are not usually seen in books or not taught in normal classes. so here is the list try to use them in C program, and let me know 

To print integer same as %d
To print unsigned integers
To print integer value in hexadecimal format
To print integer value in octal format
Same as %x but used to print value of pointer( memory addresses)
For short integer
For long unsigned
%e and %g
To printf float.


int main()
        float f= 3.43;
        int i = 16;
        printf( " %e " , f);
        printf( " %g " , f);
        printf( " %x " , i);
        printf( " %o " , i);

on Gcc output is: 

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